Why Traditional Physician Wellness Doesn’t Work—And What Does

True wellness does not happen in conference rooms or even on a yoga mat. It does not come from resort buffets with chafing dishes. It does not come from sitting at long tables with stiff white tablecloths, taking notes with hotel-branded pens, watching PowerPoint slides on burnout. 

Even when held in the snow or on a tropical island, the old model of physician wellness is just that—old.

Wellness that truly transforms medicine happens at a cellular level. It happens when we pause long enough to reconnect with ourselves and each other.

It happens in quiet spaces and shared laughter, in deep breaths and stillness, in real conversations, and realigning with what matters most.

It can happen from home on Zoom, at a retreat, in person, in a small group, or one-on-one.

It does not have to include CME. It does not have to be reimbursed. I paid out of pocket for my own professional development coaching (and subsequently coach training) —an investment greater than medical school. I was not reimbursed and, I did not earn a degree or CME credits for it. 

I would do it all again in a heartbeat.


Because, by investing time, money, and energy, in my own personal and professional development, I am a healthier, happier human. My relationships are stronger and deeper. 

And I have grown in ways that are aligned and deeply authentic.

I have walked alongside hundreds of physicians who have experienced the same.

If you feel the pull to step into something different, consider gifting yourself change at a cellular level. 

Gift yourself time, space, and deep connection. Gift yourself a fresh perspective and a strategic mindset.

If you feel like you “can’t,” don’t have time, energy, or resources, recognize that the pain of staying where you are is greater than the pain of changing things.  

Be courageous and let go of the old version of you, stop regurgitating the past, and see what real wellness feels like.


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