The World Needs People to Come Alive

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. Because the world needs people to come alive.”

Snippets from an inspiring email from a friend ( identifying details removed)

Dear Jessie-

This email is long overdue.

Since COVID started and I struggled with family dynamics with my parents and brother and his family, it was extremely helpful to be reminded that none of us are perfect, and we are all finding our way through this the best we can. It allowed me to stop the anxiety and see that we all essentially want the same thing for ourselves and our families….

… I have been yearning to try something different. I had not found the time or energy or given myself permission to make a change until COVID happened and I suddenly felt that life could be very short, or at least that we never really know when circumstances will change. It paved the way for me to begin living in the moment, appreciating what I have, and seizing opportunities. Your blogs also gave me the real-world/hit-home inspiration I needed to finally make a change.

I have had Harold Whitman’s quote pasted to my home office wall for the past 5 years and finally got up the nerve to make it happen.

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. Because the world needs people to come alive.”

Your reference to this quote, and your blog a week or so ago mentioning that you hoped your message had helped at least one person spurred me to make sure to let you know how you have helped me.

I am humbled and honored to have been a part of this physician's journey.

Consider what could happen if you decide to live by this quote also? What amazingness could happen for you?

What the world needs is people who have come alive. Why not choose to be one.

I am here to support any of you in transitioning to living a life of “being alive.”

It's possible for all of us. The changes needed are different for each of us.

Coaching helps you figure out what they are and how to move forward.


Choosing to Bloom Amidst the Smoke and Manure


Life is Too Short