By Honoring Diastole We Honor Ourselves

Diastole is the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle relaxes and allows the chambers to fill with blood.

The idea of a heart needing to relax in order to continue to function properly extends to each of us as individuals. Effective systole - heart pumping to nourish the rest of the body- depends on effective diastole.

Diastolic dysfunction is when the heart doesn’t fill fully and well. The treatment for diastolic dysfunction is to slow the heart rate down.

By honoring diastole, we honor ourselves.

Just like our hearts, we must honor ourselves by relaxing and nourishing our minds, bodies, and spirits so that we may nourish others.

Our hearts know that diastole should be 2/3 of the cardiac cycle for a long and healthy life. Most of us don’t live a life that honors rest, refilling, and relaxing in this way.

How can you honor diastole in your life?

What might happen to your systole if you slowed down, paused, and were present?

Retreats are one way to honor diastole.

They are an intentional gift for a healthy heart, mind, and spirit.

When we retreat, we take respite and create space for reflection.

We pause, rest, and reset.

We open our bodies, hearts, and minds.

We rediscover meaning, purpose, and wellbeing.

We shift perspective and we nourish ourselves.

By honoring diastole, we honor ourselves.

Just like our hearts, relaxing and nourishing ourselves allows us to nourish others.

I would love to share retreats with more of you. Learn more here.

There is 1 spot in the Connect in Nature Retreat at Green Gulch/Muir Woods in July.

There are 3 spots in Nourish & Transform at Sagrada, September 11-15th

And there are 8 spots in Honoring Diastole at Pie Ranch on September 24th.

*November at Sagrada is full. Email me to be on the waitlist.

New opportunities to sign up to honor diastole, create breathing room, cultivate compassion, and experience delight:

November 12th- Honoring Diastole at Pie Ranch ( Scheduled with intention to be a 1-day CME retreat, as part of a 3-day weekend at the Coast, in the fall in California.)

Spring 2023 dates for Yoga, Coaching & Culinary Medicine at Sagrada are also open for reservations.


Dream Planning


Do You Feel Betrayed By Medicine?