Here & There

I read this poem in my Thanksgiving Yoga class and was asked to share.

Here & There

If you take the T away from the word There, you get the word Here.

Here and There are really very similar to the eye and yet they are so extremely far apart in reality.

As a culture, we are taught to strive for There. 

“When I get There, all my problems will be solved and life will be so much better.”

But every time we get There, it is like the proverbial carrot dangling in front of us; there is always a new There to get to.

If we are always trying to get There and not dropping down into Here while getting to There, we are out ahead of ourselves and missing the joy in living in the Here. 

Being Here has to be practiced every day.

You can't get Here if you are always practicing getting There.

In the rush and tumble of everyday life, drop the T as many times as you can and get to Here.

Because at the end of our lives, we will finally realize that there was no There.

There was only ever Here.

This. Here. Now

-Janet Archer, An Invitation to Pause, Again, 2019.


Even without a defined goal-- our minds still see a “there.”

There is where you want to be.

For almost everyone- it is a place with less struggle,

where you don’t feel like a victim.

A place where you feel calmer, more content, more connected, and more clear.

A place where you feel more alive.


The offering in this poem is that There is actually already Here.

What it takes is adding a  “T” 

In life coaching “T” stands for “thoughts.”  

Your thoughts change Here to There.

When you use your brain to your advantage you can get There without circumstances or other people having to change.

In the midst of COVID, different looking holidays, and for many family and life frustrations, it's possible to be content with the “here,” just as it is. 

And to decide it's There if you choose.

Why not?



Be Careful What You Decide to Think- It May Just Come True….


Find The Wonder