Physicians Are Like A Professional Athletes


Physicians function at an extremely high level.

They need to be in a healthy and optimal emotional and physical state to do their work well.

Most physicians think we should be able to do this without support.

We are strong and smart and capable of learning tremendous things.

Professional athletes are similar in this. They are at the pinnacle of emotional and physical wellness.

Every successful professional athlete has a mindset coach, a mindfulness coach, a physical trainer, and a nutritional coach - on top of the team coach.

Physicians need coaches and support in all these areas also. We perform at equally high levels

Needing a coach and support is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength.

Investing in coaching and health and wellness retreats is not indulgent, it is a commitment to performance and longevity.

It’s also a commitment to your marriage, to your children, to your health.

Coaching is a tool that allows you to live this one wild and precious life to its fullest


The Approach Determines the Landing


Your Past Does Not Have to Be Your Future