Play Is “Medicine”
Kids play develop, grow, learn, transform, and build trust and confidence. Play is not seen as indulgent for children. Play is “necessary” for their health, happiness, and growth.
Adults equally need play for a well-lived, healthy, and whole life.
Not work hard play hard play. We need play that feels really good to every cell in our body.
We need play that isn’t scripted, with an ulterior motive or exercise disguised as play.
True play involves curiosity, creativity, lightness, presence, joy, and laughter. It usually does involve some exercise but that is not the goal.
Play in the flowers, in the grass, on a mountain top, in a river, in a tree, during yoga, cooking, or coaching.
When we play, heal, learn, grow confidence, and build trust our children benefit. Our partners benefit. Our patients benefit. Our colleagues benefit. Even our institutions benefit.
Most importantly we benefit. We become healthier, happier, and more whole.
Learning to care for ourselves “as well” is magic to sustainable successful relationships and careers. In medicine. Outside of medicine.
How can you add more play to your life?
What could happen if you carved out space and time to play with other women at a retreat?
It’s magic.