Why coaching is better than the plant-based diet

Why is coaching a better investment in your health and wellness than education about the plant-based diet?

We all have our passions and think our special interest is the ONE that deserves attention.

I am no different.

But coaching is different.

It isn't just a special passion- it is the secret to making resolutions and all the other things you want to do for health wellness and happiness happen.

Coaching, plant-based diets, mindfulness, yoga, nature, efficiency support, personal assistants, trainers, and exercise are all good for you.

It would be best if we all did ALL of them.

Coaching is what allows us to ultimately do that.

It is the key to motivation, momentum, action, and finding joy and contentment in what is and what can be.

Coaching helps you get unstuck, and move forward without willpower.

It helps you create the life you want AND enjoy it.

It's not a resolution or a wish or an aspiration.

It's a loving and kind strategy.

A client this week was struggling to show up the way she wants to be showing up for her life right now.

She had not been making "good" choices.

What she realized through coaching is that the feelings that get her to act purposefully are: accomplished, empowered, and inspired.

Flogging herself, and feeling guilty and bad about herself was not pushing her into action- they were keeping her stuck.

When she focuses on all that she has actually accomplished-- she accomplishes more.

Your brain, and the thoughts you pay attention to in it, are what allow you to overcome fear and inertia to get started,

and then to sustain what’s needed for transformational life change.

Investing in your brain puts you back in the driver’s seat of your life.

It allows you to accomplish things that previously were "hard", took willpower, and even felt --not possible.

That’s why it works for struggling relationships, parenting, plant-based diets, exercise, weight loss, anxiety, burnout, and ...

Coaching makes it easier to eat only/mostly plants.

It makes it easy to be someone who wants to live more mindfully.

It makes it easy to be someone who eats less sugar.

It makes it easier to be happy and content, find joy.

And to sustain and maintain all of them.

Coaching itself is not easy work.

Working with a good coach is the most fun work there is.

A well-coached brain makes life more fun and joy-filled too.

It opens up possibilities and habits that previously felt out of reach.

What it doesn’t change is humanness- so even when you are well-coached you won’t be perfect. You will still be a human living a human experience and needing constant tweaks and loving amusement along the way.

When the way includes less resistance, blame, shame, guilt, and willpower though- it’s way better.


A Favorite Practice


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