Why I love Mindful Coaching

Coaching and mindfulness are both “evidence-based” interventions.

Doctors love these... because it means they “work.”

And I love both of them.

Putting them together creates synergy.

They both inspire pause and presence.

Mindful Coaching is like “an asana” for your brain.

Mindful Coaching intentionally brings your attitude and approach on your yoga mat to your life off your yoga mat. A meaningful correlation if you are a yogi.

If you aren’t a yogi,

Mindful Coaching helps you clear your mind.

And stop the “mind chatter.”

It helps the snow globe settle, so you can get clarity about what’s going on in your heart and in your mind.

Mindful coaching helps you notice and be aware - without judgment.

It helps you create spaciousness and learn to take pause and use it to choose with intention your response.

It helps you reconnect with your breath, your brain, and most importantly your heart.

In yoga- we choose an intention.

Mindful coaching creates spaciousness, clarity, and acceptance and helps you choose with intention how to want to you experience life as it is and what decisions you may want to make going forward.

Best of all- mindful coaching helps you bring that Savasana feeling at the end of yoga into the rest of your life.

So you can show up as your most empowered self.

Who moves forward with peace and ease.

No matter what is happening around you.

I invite you to join me on this journey.


The Grass is Green Where You Water It


What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as who you become in the process