You Are Never to Old

“You are never to old to set another goal or to dream a new dream”- CS Lewis

You are not stuck

Your past doesn't need to be your future.

What is it you want rather than what you think you should want?

Self doubt, self judgement, uncertainty and fear.

Anxiety, the “shoulds”, old stories.

None of them need to get in your way.

Show yourself compassion.

Breathe deeply.

Take a pause.

Look inside.

Connect with your authentic self.

Get some help to move past your limiting beliefs.

“What is it you want to do with this one wild and precious life?”

Discomfort is part of growth.

“Courage is feeling fear and doing it anyway.”

Over the last year, I decided I wasn't too old to make a huge change.

Inspired by Mary Oliver.

I paused and was present.

Took some deep breaths.

I started by starting.

I made a decision and had my own back.

I believed I could and then I did.

I had no certainty it would work out.

I did not know a pandemic was coming. Change was and is not at all easy.

But it is worth it.

For me and for so many others.

Relief discovered. Ease and calm found. Journeys begun.

Take a pause and be present.

Do the work to discover what your new goal or dream is.... even small shifts in thinking can dramatically change your experience of the world.

I would love to help you on your journey.


Almost Everything Will Work Again If You Unplug it For a Few Minutes


Make Your Whole Well