Attention and Intention

What if you approached your life with intention rather than being driven by guilt or anxiety or something else?

Guilt is limiting. It drains your energy and narrows your vision. Anxiety uses energy like a firefly or a hummingbird. It leads to burnout, frustration, and ultimately exhaustion and isolation. These thoughts came from coaching clients last week.

Intention involves attention and consciousness.

Intention is what is created in the pause.

Intention is the process of identifying and choosing the qualities and energy, you wish to bring into the world.

Intention comes from a place of abundance.

Rather than moving through the world reacting and numb, what what would be different if you chose attention and intention?

This is not the easier path, but is a path of positive energy, broad vision, connectedness, love, forgiveness, and change.

Becoming aware and noticing how you are feeling, owning it and accepting how it is impacting your life, is what gives you your control and authenticity back.

Can you pause and be present and then choose to move forward with purposeful intention?

How would this look different than how you are showing up for your life now?


It’s a Long Game


Paying Attention to Questions