Baking Tastes Better than Microwaving


Many people in today’s society prefer the microwave because it is fast.

It appeals to our habitual urgency tendencies.

We think faster is better. More efficient.

We don't have time.

But when we take the time to cook and bake, rather than microwave, the product is much different.

It tastes better.

The flavors are more complex and more nourishing.

The experience of the food and a meal is different.

This analogy carries into the nooks and crannies of our lives.

Where in your life are microwaving instead of baking?

How is it “tasting”?

What might happen if you slowed down,

paused, and were present and

cooked, baked, roasted, sauteed, and created with intention?

With things such as food- things that are integral to nourishing our health, wellness, and joy,

faster is not better.

Where might you want to start cooking, baking, roasting, sauteeing, and creating with intention?


Of Course You Are Reactive


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