Be a dreamer and not a planner

I have always been an exceptional planner.  Dreamer not so much. 

I spent most of my time planning and, by comparison, very little time dreaming.

In my mind, dreams were indulgent and they rarely came to fruition.

Recently, I started purposefully connecting with my dreams, aspirations, and wishes.  

I now take time each day to dream rather than plan.

I believe my dreams are 100% possible. They just haven’t happened yet.

I no longer let doubts or planning get in the way.

This dreaming is how I ended up teaching yoga and coaching retreats in beautiful locations.  

It's how I ended up with a robust and essentially full coaching practice.

It's why I now get to support physicians and others -  in exactly the ways that I know help them. 

It was a dream of mine to build a business where I could use my physician wellness experience, wisdom, and skills in optimal creative, and fun ways.  

It was a dream of mine to share mindfulness, wellness, coaching, yoga, parenting, and relationship tools to help others start living and loving better. 

It was a dream of mine to help others start living their dreams. 

When I allowed myself to pivot from planning to dreaming, the dreams all started coming true. 


Start Mono-tasking


Luxurious was a personal zone of genius