Start Mono-tasking


Mono-tasking is mindfulness.

It is less stressful than multi-tasking.

Your brain is more focused and clear.

When you monotask, you aren’t as tired at the end of your day. 

And almost always get a lot more done.

Mono-tasking is something we practice when we practice yoga.

Permission to mono-task is one of the reasons I love yoga.

The whole point is to practice mono-tasking in tiny chunks.

On your mat, you can't do anything else.

And that feels good.

Try it.

When you are eating, eat.

When you are walking, walk.

When you are driving, drive.

When you are talking to a loved one, talk.

When you are unloading the dishwasher or folding laundry, do only unload and fold.

When you are hugging and kissing, hug, and kiss.

You can thank me later.


Feeling Destabilized


Be a dreamer and not a planner