Feeling Destabilized

Feeling destabilized happens to all of us. Sometimes it’s expected. Sometimes it’s not. It’s not a problem.

Life is a balance between stabilizing and centering moments and destabilizing ones.

Are there things that always destabilize you?

People, overnight shifts, family events, scheduling emails, packing for a trip, returning from a trip, phone calls from someone specific, times of year……

Knowing what destabilizes you is super helpful in refinding your sense of stability with grace and compassion.

How do you best regain your sense of stability when they happen? What helps you find your center?

Pausing and breathing is always the first step.

Noticing you are destabilized without judgment is the second.

Then hand-to-heart.

And then whatever works best for you.

Perhaps asking what love would do? Or what peace would do?

Practicing yoga or mindfulness.

Journaling. Enjoying nature.

Telling tender stories.

Accepting and….

Acknowledging and letting go of regrets.

Lots of beautiful options.

Whatever helps to center you, practice it often, especially when you aren’t destabilized, so you can access it quickly when needed.

I have been practicing all my stabilizing techniques this week.

Our beloved family dog died unexpectedly this week. While I reasonably expected the end of our 12-year relationship to be destabilizing, it of course also wasn’t and isn’t turning out like I expected it would. Grief is destabilizing and also beautiful.

I also attended a family wedding this week. It was lovely and destabilizing. Family gatherings almost always are.

Yoga, nature, hugs, taking space, hand-to-heart, lowering my expectations, reminding myself that love is amazing and it hurts - they all help. As does coaching. Not because I can’t work through it myself but because it is kind and loving.


Leap Day


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