
Last year one of my words for the year was “Believe”.

It turned out to be more powerful than imagined.

Believing in yourself changes everything.

It is often a little messy, and sometimes even a lot messy.

But when you embrace the mess, sometimes, in fact very often, magic happens.

Life is very often “complicated.”

When you choose to rejoice in the complications, it’s also beautiful.

It often doesn’t turn out anything like you thought it would,

2020 is a perfect example.

And yet what I and so many of my clients discover is that surprises often turn out much better than we imagined they could.

I continue to work daily on believing in myself. It is not a natural state for me YET.

I also spend my days helping other incredible humans learn to believe in themselves and own their journeys through life.

These perspective shifts continue to activate cascades of magic for all of us.

Rather than being in a hurry to move on to 2021, am intentionally taking a pause to be present and reflect this weekend.

To mindfully notice and celebrate all that did happen in 2020.

So much magic and good created from believing in myself, believing in others, and helping others believe in themselves.

What magic could happen for you if took this journey in 2021?

I would love to have you join me.


Better than Marriage Counseling


Guiding Words