Better than Marriage Counseling

"One coaching session with you was more valuable than 4 sessions of marriage counseling."

This comment made me truly, deeply happy.

Not because of any thoughts about marriage counseling. It can also have benefits depending on the situation.

I came to coaching during a time when, among other things, my own relationship was struggling.

I have a special place in my heart for relationship coaching.

Because struggling relationships color everything else in a not good way.

I found coaching to be extremely helpful for my marriage.

And I did not hire a coach or come to coaching to help me with this issue.

I worked with a coach initially to help me with personal transformation and career growth.

But coaching also transformed my marriage. Even after 25 years of marriage and 3 children.

I am beyond grateful to have learned to manage my mind and to show up with mindfulness and intention for those I love.

And the world.

And to now to be able to share these tools with others who are struggling in their marriages and their lives.

Even if you aren't struggling and you just want your relationships to be "enriched," coaching helps.

A clean and clear mindset is magic for all relationships. Not just marriages.

When I changed myself, by cleaning up and clearing out my own mental clutter and old stories, everything changed.

For the better.


I see this with so many others.

This does not mean that everything becomes perfect.

It is life and love after all.

Loving relationships take work.

So does ongoing mindful and intentional living.

Loving relationships take presence and kindness and compassion and curiosity and love.

Even if, and especially when, there are real-life challenges in the forefront.

Pandemics, teenagers, toddlers, mental health struggles, money differences, health challenges, and .....

There will always be rough spots to smooth out,

but coaching and mindfulness can improve your relationships and life "immensely."

Even the strongest and longest relationships may be struggling at this point in pandemic life.

Nothing has gone wrong.

Even with the vaccine, we will likely be at this a while longer.

What if you emerged from all this with a much stronger relationship?

Why not make a better relationship a legacy of COVID-19 in your life.

Both our former surgeon general Vivek Murthy and Harvard researchers say thriving relationships are the key to a long, healthy, and happy life.

This is my experience.


Down Days

