Embracing Menopause

Instead of figuring out how to get through menopause,

I have decided to embrace it and to approach aging with authenticity, grace, style, and love. And perhaps some loving amusement as well.

Menopause is merely another season.

Resisting it and all that comes with it is a downer.

Anti-aging, or telling a story about “all that I have to do now to feel ok and be ok” — feels heavy.

I am choosing a new, better story.

I have been teaching many yoga classes on aches, pain, stiffness, and tightness.

Sharing the idea of them as a message.

“Relax in” is a mindset we offer in yoga.

It’s a perfect mindset for menopause and aging too.

No resistance, no judgment.

I invite you to join me to celebrate and embrace who and what you are today.

How great would it feel to let go of any "anti" anything about yourself?

What if you showed up for yourself proud, grounded, abundant, and with love?

We will likely still have aches and pains and will definitely still have lots of grey hair but we will have a lot more fun.


Neutral Is Amazing


Transformation Begins with “Allowing.”