Neutral Is Amazing

Many of us think feeling neutral is a low bar.

Blah. Not a win.

Not true.


Embracing neutrality is one of the most powerful tools I share in mindful coaching.

When you are struggling with true life catastrophes, challenging relationships, serious physical and mental illness in yourself or loved ones, general life badness, toxic jobs or challenging humans, feeling neutral is a superpower.

Neutral can be a huge win.

Neutral is the secret ingredient to finding peace and being able to ultimately move forward with ease.

“Embracing neutral” helped me tremendously in my own pivots.

It helped me slow down, pause, breathe, and step out of victimhood and into empowerment.

It helps with fear, frustration, dread, anxiety, and anger.

Neutral can help you connect across differences - whether differences be with insurance companies, spouses, family members, or unexpected realities for your life.

The Neutral Zone = Magic

In a transition- the neutral zone is the time between the old reality and the new one.

It’s where and when we create new processes and learn what our new realities, identities, and roles will be.

The neutral zone is where we pause, feel spacious, and think and feel.

It’s where we make peace with our old chapter and craft an aligned and authentic next one.

Neutral is where the shift happens.

Neutral is the embodiment of “accepting and allowing.”

There’s no urgency in neutral.

It’s where you can be, think, and begin to see with clarity what’s next.

Go for long walks. Pet the dog. And connect with hope and inspiration.

Neutral is a performance tool, a happiness tool, and an act of compassion and kindness for yourself and others. It’s a superpower for life transitions.


What would a lighthouse do?


Embracing Menopause