Cultivating Calm

Calm is good for the mind and good for the immune system.

As the news worsens over the next few days and weeks, as it inevitably will, how can you cultivate feelings of calm?

Thought work, mindfulness and nature are the answer. Getting started now will help. Preventive care.

The space between stimulus and response is where your power lies. Use it wisely.

In times such as now, when can’t change the circumstances/stimulus we are facing, we can still deliberately choose and practice thoughts that cultivate calm.

Calming and useful thoughts gleaned from amazing physicians through coaching today are below. Feel free to borrow them.

There is hope.

It will be ok in the end.

The earth will continue to spin.

The sun will continue to rise and set.

95 percent of people who get sick will survive.

50 percent of people will NOT get sick.

We are learning a lot every day about what we can do.

Suffering is part of life.

Nature is healing.

Life will go on.

I have everything I need right now.

Your breath is always available.

Worry only pretends to be necessary.

I am doing the best I can.

I am exactly where I need to be right now.

I am doing everything I can at this point in time.

Not helpful, scary and worrisome thoughts will, of course, continue to pop up. These thoughts are natural in our current circumstances. Expect them, notice them, say no thank you, and go back to ones that cultivate calm.

Model for others how to be calm, and grace and compassion under pressure.

May you all be well.

May you all be loved.

May you all be happy.

May you all be calm.


Choose Thoughts of Abundance


Silver Linings