Silver Linings

I woke up worried and scared today. There are scary and sad things happening in the world. I chose to think “self-care is more critical than ever right now.”

This thought helped me to feel motivated. I ended up at Ocean Beach in the early morning. One of my favorite places in the world.

It is natural that worry, stress, fear and anxiety want to take over our minds right now. The beautiful thing is that feelings of calm, and feeling helpful, hopeful, and motivated are also available to all of us — even to those in the most dire and stressful situations fighting this virus face to face without adequate protection. Thought work, mind management, mindfulness and yoga can’t change the circumstances. What they can change for all of us is our experience of it and how we show up for ourselves and others.

In the meantime, think about how you WANT to feel tomorrow while you either “shelter in place” or go to your required and therefore risky jobs. Choose thoughts that help you feel how you want to feel. Why not?


Cultivating Calm


Always Room For One More