Always Room For One More

“Happy to have all my large boy cubs safely in the den.

“This may be the last time in our lives we will all be living together for an extended period and I choose to cherish it. “

These are the thoughts I am choosing to think about 5 large beings- including my husband, my 23, 20 and 14 year old young sons and my dog — all sharing a relatively small living space for likely many months. All staying home all the time to do our part and working and doing school from home in the midst of a global pandemic. To top it off, I win the prize as the highest risk family member to become critically ill.

I am using my coaching skills on this one.

Not to change my reality but to change the story. I want to feel safe and calm and hopeful and helpful and compassionate and maybe even have some fun and laugh and create memories in the midst of the chaos.

I get to intentionally choose everyday how I think about all that will arise along the way. As the news ahead worsens, as we know it will, I will intentionally choose thoughts that serve me and serve us.


Silver Linings


The Power of Words: Fear vs Being Careful and Respect