The Power of Words: Fear vs Being Careful and Respect

Being careful and respect both have positive connotations in my mind and they feel MUCH better than fear.  

In the midst of the current situation, I want to feel calm, safe, peaceful, hopeful and helpful.  Thinking about choosing be careful and respecting the virus, my colleagues , and the vulnerable in my community makes me feel safe, calm, peace, hopeful and helpful.  When I feel these I am able breathe more deeply, sleep better, and connect better with my loved ones near and far.

Instead of fear and worry, I am choosing to have these be my guiding principles and thoughtt right now.  

When I choose to approach social distancing as “being careful” I feel helpful and hopeful.

When I chose to not go to yoga class out of respect for my colleagues in healthcare, the vulnerable in my community, and the power of coronavirus, I feel safe, calm, and peaceful.

What guiding principles could be helpful for you?

**And yes I have actually skipped public yoga classes since Monday. Modeling what each of us can do to be part of the solution.  This is going to be the perfect opportunity for me to develop a home yoga practice and figure out how to teach on Zoom.


Always Room For One More


Let's Make This "Our Finest Hour"