Let's Make This "Our Finest Hour"

An inspired mindset about the unprecedented situation of our current global pandemic.

Let’s have this be “our finest hour.”

What can we each do to contribute today what we will hopefully look back on as “our finest hour”?

In coaching, we often consult our future self. A year from now what will the you that has lived through this and is on the other side, recommend you had done today and over the next few weeks?

My future self would tell me to think today about what I can do personally to make this “our finest hour” and start doing that. What would your future self tell you?

Sharing my perspective and educating others about how we can potentially slow the spread of this virus is top of my list. There is so much we don’t know about coronavirus yet. This is not the time to wait to act carefully and with respect. We know what happened in other countries to lead to very different outcomes, and we know a ton about viruses and about epidemiology. We know that the choices we make each day will have tremendous impact on how many become critically ill and die. We know that the actions of who are at less risk of may not become seriously ill have tremendous impact on those who are more vulnerable. All of us have an opportunity to be helpful and contribute to this being “our finest hour.”

I can also have an impact by supporting others within my reach by sharing mindset tools to lessen anxiety and fear and help others create more calm, compassion, peace, hope and helpfulness. This will help us all be healthier and show up for this situation as best we can. Mindset impacts our experience of the situation, how we each act, and ultimately whether we look back on this as our finest hour or something else. Reach out if you need help with this. I am working on creating more options to help.

I can also support my healthcare colleagues through coaching, so they can show up for this unprecedented challenge as best they can. I am happy to coach any of you for a one time session and last minute as you all put yourselves and your families at great risk to save others.

I can also encourage others to shift their thinking from “me” to “us” and model social responsibility, compassion and kindness under stress.

Finally, I can spend time breathing deeply, being mindful, enjoying the sunshine, a slower pace of life, and more time with my family at home while everything is cancelled and closed. What an opportunity.

I plan to spend time today thinking what else I can do.

I hope you will do the same. And I hope you will encourage everyone in your circles to do the same. The process feels good. More importantly what we each choose to do will make a collective difference now more than ever.

Let’s make this our finest hour together.


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