Sometimes Life Dishes Up Circumstances That Require a lot of Self Coaching.

The news in the last 24 hours is sobering and for many of us anxiety provoking. Sending compassion and kindness to each and every one of you. May we all be well and work together.

Please please, please heed the recommendations for social distancing. Do your part to flatten the curve and stay home unless absolutely necessary. And please rethink what is truly necessary when it involves being within 3-6 feet of people beyond your family. The more social distancing we do today and this week, the better off we will all be. Every day makes a difference.

When there is so much happening that is out of our control, thought-work and mindset coaching are a tool that give us back some control and make a difference in our experience of situations like this.

I wish we were not facing a global pandemic but I am grateful to have these tools to share.

The circumstances today are coronavirus and any other actual facts - number of cases, school cancelled, stock market dropped X number of points. The circumstances are and will continue to be ever changing in the next few weeks.

In every moment, many thoughts about these circumstances are being triggered in each of our heads. Most of which we aren’t even aware of. What we are acutely aware of and intensely noticing are the feelings of fear, anxiety, powerlessness. The good news is these feelings come from our thoughts.

Below are a couple of ideas to help you feel better and struggle less with anxious thoughts.

Pause and be present. Allow yourself to feel the fear and anxiety. Notice, name, and allow these feelings. This actually helps lessen their grip. Allow yourself to sit in discomfort. And show yourself and others grace and compassion.

Accept the feelings you have. Without judgement. Normalize them. Of course you feel anxious. Every time the anxiety pops up remind yourself- “Of course I feel this way. Who wouldn’t.” When we resist reality, we never win.


Ask yourself how you would like to feel. I personally would like to feel brave, calm, safe, compassionate, loving, helpful and hopeful.

Your power and control comes from choosing thoughts that will lead to these feelings.

What thoughts can help you feel these feelings?

Brainstorm NEW thoughts And then practice them.

Some ideas:

This is what we have today.

Challenges are an opportunity to get stronger.

This feels scary and overwhelming, and that is ok.

Of course, the stock market is dropping.

This could bring us together.

Adding “it is possible that” can also help. It is possible that it will turn out better than I am expecting. It is possible, that social distancing will help so much we will look like we were overcautious.

You dont have to go positive psychology with your thoughts but if you truly believe them you can. For example:

Less plane flights and commuting will make a positive impact on the environment.

This is an opportunity for people to better understand and appreciate the value of their health.

This could inspire people to begin to prioritize their own health.

Would love to hear thoughts that help you each feel better. We can learn from each other. Why not choose this in the midst of the chaos.

May you all be well, practice social distancing, breathe deeply, feel hopeful, and sleep soundly.


Let's Make This "Our Finest Hour"


Better Than Buying Toilet Paper: Practical Solutions for Managing Coronavirus Anxiety