Better Than Buying Toilet Paper: Practical Solutions for Managing Coronavirus Anxiety

When we are faced with unpredictable and scary situations that are largely out of our control, working on your mindset on your own or through coaching is your best option.  As individuals, we can’t change the circumstances of coronavirus significantly.  Buying toilet paper doesn’t help but you can choose thoughts and stories about the situation.   You can choose to spin in overwhelm and anxiety or you can choose thoughts that serve you, that feel better, and that lead you to experience the current reality in a healthier way. Less stress and anxiety is good for the immune system and your spirit.  

A couple of ideas:

  • Brainstorm what is in your control. Focus on this. 

  • Accept anxiety as natural reaction to the situation.  Be mindful and notice it.  Feel it and breathe into it to create space and compassion.  When you resist anxiety, it grows stronger.   When you allow the anxiety, you get to be in control— rather than the anxiety.  

  • Nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems. How could this pandemic be happening for you?And for us, as a larger community? 

  • How is this an opportunity learn and grow as individuals and in community? 

Taking time to answer these questions will likely result in some thoughts that serve you better than those that worry you.  Create a list of these thoughts, practice them until they became habit.

Our children are watching how we respond.  When we model ownership of our thoughts, compassion and self responsibility in the face of chaos, fear and anxiety, it is an opportunity for us to make change and influence the next generation.

Be well. Wash your hands. Breathe deeply. Be mindful. Chose your thoughts wisely.  Act with compassion and kindness towards yourself and others.

Namaste 🙏
“I care for you and you care for me.”


Sometimes Life Dishes Up Circumstances That Require a lot of Self Coaching.


Everyone Who Heals Themselves Heals Their Children's Children