
Curiosity is a form of mindfulness. It is a desire to know and to learn. About yourself and others and the world. How often do we assume things about ourselves and others? What if we asked a good question instead?

Curiosity is magic, a key to open and grow more kindness and compassion. As I like to say in yoga it unsticks the place behind your heart and allows the heart to fill more fully more fully in diastole.

Curiosity doesn't have to be analytical and examining things like a sample squished between 2 slides under a microscope. It can be playful and fun.

The mom and pediatrician in me likes to point out that curiosity invites you to be "child-like" and ask "Why?"

It can be an excited exploration -- of yourself, others, and the world.

Being curious is being interested, inquisitive, and even at times allowing yourself to be awestruck.

Curiosity is powerful and friendly.

It can be soft and open with a willingness to see and take in everything from a place of interest and learning and without judgement.

You don't have to fix anything with curiosity. You can just look.

How could you bring mindful curiosity into your day and the week ahead? I would love to hear.

What might change would if you did?

Be curious, be the change you want to see and see what happens.


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"Green With Envy"