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    mindfulness, coaching Jessie Mahoney mindfulness, coaching Jessie Mahoney

    May You Find Your Path

    A long-time client shared a mantra she has been practicing -- “may I find my path.”

    What a kind way to explore your next steps.

    Realizing that there is no urgency.

    Allowing and giving yourself permission to explore

    That is the first step.

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    Jessie Mahoney Jessie Mahoney


    Breathing deeply and channeling my inner zen and buoyancy. Even on round 3 of parenting a teenager -as a wise pediatrician with mindfulness and coaching tools deeply rooted within — the journey is a journey.

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    Jessie Mahoney Jessie Mahoney

    "When it's not an issue, it's not an issue."

    Imagine if you could be present for your loved ones.

    Feel like life is a journey to be experienced and enjoyed and lived.

    Rather than seeing it as a series of projects and problems to solve and things to make happen.

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