May You Find Your Path

A long-time client shared a mantra she has been practicing -- “may I find my path.”

What a kind way to explore your next steps.

Realizing that there is no urgency.

Allowing and giving yourself permission to explore

That is the first step.

It is likely that you and she will find many beautiful paths.  

Different ones at different times in your life.  


There will be many forks and options of paths ahead.

None is the “right” path.  

Each will have ups and downs.

Each will be good and bad.

You can find a new path or choose to go in a new direction at any point.


Each path you try is part of the beauty of the journey.

From a place of kindness and compassion and listening to your heart,

the journey to find your path can be beautiful

rather than a struggle.  


When you are enjoying the path to find your path-

approaching it with curiosity, compassion, and exploration

is when all the options

that is where all the options of paths and forks in the road come into focus.

What if you gave yourself permission to explore the options?


May You Find Wonder


Birthday Reflections