Birthday Reflections

If you are going somewhere amazing you can't get there piecemeal.


I NEVER imagined turning 52.

Honestly it feels great.


I have spent the last few years on an incredible journey to un-become who I was not

and to become who I was meant to be in the first place.


It has not been a piecemeal effort.

It has not been without bumps and struggle and discomfort.


I embarked on this journey not with a goal in mind but with intention.

With feelings as my light post.


This year I wanted to feel more abundant, proud, and grounded and help others do the same.

I wanted to feel more loved and love more.

And help others do the same.

The power of intention is evident in my journey.


I feel lighter and more free.

I smile more

I love more.

I connect more.

I walk barefoot more.

I laugh more.

I enjoy more.

I am more grounded,

more trusting,

more strong,

more proud.

I have let go of judgment.

I see possibility.

I have let go of bitterness, resentment, scarcity, and self-doubt.

I trust myself and see abundance.

I easily tap into my inner knowing and strong intuition.

My wise heart is my guide.

And I make decisions much more easefully.


I understand that no one is going to believe in me more than me.

No one is going to care as much as me.

No one is going to feel the joy in the end as much as me.


I have begun to truly show and share my inner light and vibrancy.

I stand taller - in a way that is grounded, peaceful and strong.

I have owned my wisdom, life experience,

and my uncanny ability to see the potential of relationships, family, and humanity.


This didn’t happen overnight

It didn’t happen piecemeal.

It took intention, commitment, compassion

and most of all kindness to myself and others.


From this place,

I have so much more to share with others.

And they have so much more to share with me.


This is evident in Pause and Presence

and the Mindful Healers Podcast,

In my yoga classes,



and in my writing - this blog.


Many of you comment that you see it in my face, in my energy

and especially in my words.

Two years ago I didn’t write anything (except patient notes and wellness talks.)


I have found my voice.


I was always determined--

but my focus has shifted to decreasing suffering and lessening unnecessary struggling and loneliness in the world.

The pediatrician in me is not gone.

I continue to work change the paradigm of relationships so each of us ,

and especially the next generation,

can all truly show up healthy and whole and as ourselves.

And feel and be less alone and disconnected.

So we can all live and be loved with less layers, heaviness and unnecessary struggle.


At 52 who am I?

I am a nurturer and a healer.

I am wise, honest and kind.

I help people discover compassion, acceptance and learn to be kind to themselves.

I help people find their center, heal, and grow into the best version of themselves.

I help people see their own inner beauty and listen to their heart.


If I can shift so much- even in the last 365 days- its 100% possible for you too.

What beauty and vibrancy could your next 365 days bring if you decided to not approach it piecemeal.


There is more journey to come.

Not more to be fixed or to unbecome

but to become

And to bloom fully.

To remain grounded

and float free all at the same time.


For my birthday- If you are inspired or curious.

I would love more of you to join me in my new spaces.

Subscribe to the podcast

Join me for yoga

These are all free and shared from the heart with the hope of creating positive ripples.

If you are ready to go somewhere amazing, move on from the piecemeal approach and gift yourself coaching or a retreat experience. The journey is wonderful.


May You Find Your Path


Living Life Luxuriously