Living Life Luxuriously

Living life luxuriously is not about spas, resorts or “fancy”.

It is an approach.


Living luxuriously is no longer rushing or hurrying.

It is enjoying each moment.

Moving through life with ease.


It doesn’t actually take any more time but it brings much more joy, calm, and ease.

What if you chose to live every moment of each day “luxuriously”?

Without rush

or somewhere else to be

or get to.


As if you were on vacation - even when you are not.


How might your life,

exactly as it is,

change for the better?


What if you gave yourself a gift of moving through the world “luxuriously” every day.

Not choosing the earliest flight out to maximize the time somewhere else

and instead set an intention to enjoy the journey.

The synergistic combination of mindfulness and coaching helped me learn to do this.

I would love to share this way of living with you.

Without changing anything-- it changes everything.

Mindful yoga, coaching and yoga retreats, 1:1 coaching, Ongoing Presence, The Mindful Healers Podcast, and this blog all share strategies to train your nervous system and especially your mind to approach life this way. The hurry, the rush, scarcity, and stress are old and not helpful habits.


What will you miss out on if you wait to live your life luxuriously?

Calm, ease, peace and unexpected amazingness.

Connection and love.

Luxurious relationships are magical.


I wish I had learned this approach sooner.

If “luxurious” is not your word, find one that is.

One that feels amazing to you.

And live with that word top of mind.


Living luxuriously is not about changing your circumstances.

Even doing errands can feel luxurious if you choose to see it that way.

My almost 16-year-old was my "chauffeur" for my errands today (the bonus was it was also a driving lesson.)

Mindful yoga this week focused on “living luxuriously.”

Check it out on Youtube.

Enjoy the deep breaths and the luxury.


Birthday Reflections


Getting Help