Wise, loving, and inspired writings on the journey of life and love
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What You Practice Grows
I often get asked how I became such a model of calm and presence.
I wasn't always like this.
Is Your Maintenance Light On?
Even if the flashing light is caused by external challenges— bad roads or potholes, car maintenance still needs to be done to restore optimal performance and a great driving experience.
It Feels Bad and It Helps
Last week, someone hacked into my phone and replaced my SIM card.
Taking over all my data and information in an instant.
A most unpleasant crime.
A Minimalist Solution to The Vision Board
Creating a vision board is NOT my thing.
It’s not minimalist - too much glue, scraps, scissors.
I don’t get paper magazines anymore.
Give Your Best Energy to What Matters Most
Staying in places, jobs, and relationships with people, and things and that no longer “fit” you have a tremendous cost.
The legacy I want to leave
Loving well is the legacy I want to leave.
It is also what I aspire to help others do.
A Life Doula
It strikes me that a mindful coach is like a life doula.
Someone who helps you live with intention, presence, and grace.
And pass through life’s challenging moments with more ease.
What Would Neutral Do?
May seem like a funny question.
And so so useful when you are frustrated and angry with someone or something.
Mindfully Come Back To You
When you listen to your heart and trust yourself you discover a whole new approach to life.
One where you live rather than worry.
Where you take good care of you.
And show yourself kindness, compassion and even love.
Our Differences Are Our Strength
The birthdays of those you love are a moment to pause and be present and reflect and appreciate.
And as I sat down to do just this, I was inspired by the fact that The Mindful Healers Podcast episode released this week is called “Allowing Joy.”
Some of us have to work at allowing joy, my husband is an expert at it. He does it effortlessly.
May You Find Your Path
A long-time client shared a mantra she has been practicing -- “may I find my path.”
What a kind way to explore your next steps.
Realizing that there is no urgency.
Allowing and giving yourself permission to explore
That is the first step.
Birthday Reflections
If you are going somewhere amazing you can't get there piecemeal.
I NEVER imagined turning 52.
Honestly, it feels great.
I have spent the last few years on an incredible journey to un-become who I was not
and to become who I was meant to be in the first place.
It has not been a piecemeal effort.
It has not been without bumps and struggle and discomfort.
Living Life Luxuriously
Living life luxuriously is not about spas, resorts or “fancy”.
It is an approach.
Living luxuriously is no longer rushing or hurrying.
It is enjoying each moment.
Moving through life with ease.
Kindness and Possibility
From a place of kindness to self
so much more is possible.
And when we see possibilities
so much more is possible.
May you all live a life filled with kindness and compassion to yourself
It’s so much better than being mean to yourself.
It’s more kind and almost always leads to even more efficiency and productivity.
You Don't Get "There" Piecemeal
If you are going somewhere amazing you can’t get there piecemeal.
“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”- Plato
Choose to create a well “whole.”
Heart, spirit, body, and mind.
This is the why of mindful coaching. This is the why of mindful yoga. And the why of my coaching and yoga retreats.
Why You Should Be the One to Change
When you change yourself, you know you can feel better.
When you do the changing,
you get to choose what and how to change.
You have agency and are back in the driver’s seat of your own experience of your life and your relationships.
This feels better.
When you change, everything around you begins to change and shift. The energy of your relationships and situations shifts.
Why Not "Call It Quits"?
As humans, without mind management, we tend to focus on the negative, our differences, and what is not working. Many of us also have a lot of tendencies to blame -ourselves and others, and quickly revert to guilt, shame, victimhood, anger, and resentment. Coaching helps you shift your perspective, ask better questions, build self-compassion, and find peace with your decisions and path forward whatever they may be. Coaching sets you up for success and peace.

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