Our Differences Are Our Strength

The birthdays of those you love are a moment to pause and be present and reflect and appreciate.

And as I sat down to do just this, I was inspired by the fact that The Mindful Healers Podcast episode released this week is called “Allowing Joy.”

Some of us have to work at allowing joy, my husband is an expert at it. He does it effortlessly.

We met when we were 14 and 15 and have essentially been together ever since.

It hasn’t always been an easy road -- we are very, very different.

We are a neurodiverse couple --which we only recently figured out.


With my now more mindful life perspective and coaching tools,

why we are a good match is more clear.


Our diversity is actually our tremendous strength.

Perhaps we are “perfect partners” for one another.


My husband is calm, loyal, and has a beautiful soft soul.

He enjoys simple pleasures and has aspirations of a simple life —

and lucky for me - a happy wife.


He doesn't wait for the future or vacations to allow joy.

He finds joy in a long morning coffee, short dog walks, a good book, practicing ballroom dancing in the yard, teaching me to play my harmonium, and cooking delicious food.

He moves slowly and mindfully through the world.

He doesn't miss what is right in front of him.

Without any effort to slow down at all, he notices and sees beauty in music, art, food, and books.

He enjoys coffee, a good nap, and catch with his sons.


He prefers being rather than doing.

He believes you should be 100% you exactly as you are.

He loves the people he loves for who they are.


He rests when he needs it.

Says what he means.

He doesn’t make things mean more or something different than the words said.

He is logical and linear rather than emotional.


When you see your diversity and differences as a strength

and an opportunity to grow and create a better team-

so much more learning and joy are possible.


Be Kind To Yourself


May You Find Wonder