Be Kind To Yourself

Almost everyone I know is extremely cognizant about and committed to being kind to others.

Almost no one is particularly good at being kind to themselves .


We wait for others to do kind things for us to make us feel valued and loved.


What if you were kind to yourself instead?


I am spending two days in nature in a place I love. By myself.

A situation that came about as an act of kindness.

From myself to myself.


Not something I do often.

In fact ever.

Until now.


It is never too late to try something new.


I am taking a pause and being present in a beautiful spot that feeds my soul.

Scheduled a month ago when I “needed” a break.

Today I no longer "need" the break,


allowing myself this kindness feels truly amazing.


What could you do to be kind to yourself today?

What might shift in your life if you did?


What You Need to Hear


Our Differences Are Our Strength