A Minimalist Solution to The Vision Board

Creating a vision board is NOT my thing.

It’s not minimalist - too much glue, scraps, scissors.

I don’t get paper magazines anymore.

My photos are on my phone.

Most importantly, I do NOT enjoy doing crafts or art projects.


Setting intentions is my thing though.

It’s a powerful practice

A Buddhist yogic practice. And a performance tool.

One I have experienced as way more effective than New Years’ resolutions.

My solution— choosing Words for the year.

Every December I chose 3-4 words as my intention.

They are my guiding light to help me reach new heights from a place of alignment.

How does it work?

In 2020, my words were —believe, bloom and beauty.

I believed in myself, believed in others, and believed in possibilities and dreams.

I looked for beauty, noticed it, celebrated it, paused to enjoy it, and worked to create it.

I allowed myself and others to bloom. Organically. I owned and honored the time and the effort it took for all of us to get to where we are. I nourished myself and others with sun and water and love. I got out of my own and others' way and saw what emerged— truly a super bloom.

In 2021, my intentions were abundant, grounded, love and proud. They also turned out far better than I imagined.

In both years- my words seeped into the nooks and crannies of my life, guided my decisions and actions, and impacted my “results” tremendously.

How do I choose my words?

Its a guided process that involves-

Learning to listen to your heart

Understanding your true wants

Finding clarity

Connecting with your future self

Stretching yourself

Connecting with hope, possibilities, and dreams

The exploration and the process are key to the magic.

Choosing well so you end up in a place you truly “want” to be a year from now is critical.

Not the perfect place but the perfect place for you on your life’s journey.

A journey with purpose, connection, peace, and alignment.

If you want to experience the magic, reach out. You won’t regret it.


It Feels Bad and It Helps


Give Your Best Energy to What Matters Most