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    transformation, mindfulness Jessie Mahoney transformation, mindfulness Jessie Mahoney

    Birthday Reflections

    If you are going somewhere amazing you can't get there piecemeal.

    I NEVER imagined turning 52.

    Honestly, it feels great.

    I have spent the last few years on an incredible journey to un-become who I was not

    and to become who I was meant to be in the first place.

    It has not been a piecemeal effort.

    It has not been without bumps and struggle and discomfort.

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    coaching, transformation Jessie Mahoney coaching, transformation Jessie Mahoney

    Getting Help

    Getting help has never been an easy thing for me.

    I expect this is true for many of you.

    My mind likes to tell me I “should” be able to do it all myself.

    That self-sufficiency is a measure of strength and adequacy.

    That striving and pushing will get me farther.

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    transformation Jessie Mahoney transformation Jessie Mahoney

    Like An iPhone Upgrade

    The old versions were great AND the new versions work faster and often function much more smoothly.

    Less wasted time and energy.

    Not without hiccups but definitely with less churn.

    And they are often lighter, easier to carry, and easier to use.

    Their cameras see and capture beauty better than the previous versions.

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    mindfulness, transformation Jessie Mahoney mindfulness, transformation Jessie Mahoney

    Why You Should Be the One to Change

    When you change yourself, you know you can feel better.

    When you do the changing,

    you get to choose what and how to change.

    You have agency and are back in the driver’s seat of your own experience of your life and your relationships.

    This feels better.

    When you change, everything around you begins to change and shift. The energy of your relationships and situations shifts.

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    relationships, transformation Jessie Mahoney relationships, transformation Jessie Mahoney

    What To Do When You Parent Differently

    Your relationship with your adult children is longer than your relationship with your children as kids and there is a lot of time to get it right and wrong. And it usually turns out fine either way.

    There is no failure just learning. Sometimes there is more learning when it doesn't go right than when it does.

    Mindfulness and coaching have helped me become a much better parenting teammate. Supporting your teammates and playing to their strengths is a great strategy. Micromanaging and criticizing usually don't lead to the best team experience or results.

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    transformation Jessie Mahoney transformation Jessie Mahoney

    Allowing Yourself to Shine

    Allowing yourself to shine is a gift to yourself and the world. This concept was and is key to my ongoing life transformation. I initially learned it through coaching. It has become an integral part of my life through practice. It was very uncomfortable to start.

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