Relearning to Play the Harmonium

I am re-learning how to play the harmonium.

My husband bought me a harmonium as a 50th birthday present two years ago.

He heard me say how much the music added to my favorite yoga classes.

Music and sound are special interests of his.

I learned to play the harmonium right before the pandemic started. My favorite yoga teacher gave me a few lessons. I loved the way she played Amazing Grace during Savasana. She is now dying of ovarian cancer. I teach a donation yoga class to help support her through her journey almost every Monday morning.

In her honor and because of my experience working with many of you who are struggling, I have set an intention to bring the harmonium back to my live classes by my August retreat. I want to be able to play both Amazing Grace and "Om Namah Shivaya” easefully and with grace. Music adds to the nervous system healing in a yoga class. That is why the harmonium so spoke to me when I needed it most.

So many mindful learnings, much mindful love, and webs of mindful connection in this story.

Please consider joining me for mindful yoga on Saturday morning- 9 am PST on zoom. There won’t be harmonium playing because it doesn’t transmit well over zoom But there will be perspective-shifting, healing, and self-compassion growing. My classes are designed to help address collective anxiety, improve mood, and begin to soften the fraying of our nervous systems. All desperately needed at this moment by so many of us. If you need the zoom link, reply to this email.

If you want to hear me play the harmonium live and integrate the powerful effects of mindful yoga with mindful coaching, nature, and culinary medicine- join me for the Nourish & Transform retreat in August. I would love to meet you in person. Find out more here.


A Cup of Love


We are all imperfect.