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    mindfulness, coaching, yoga Jessie Mahoney mindfulness, coaching, yoga Jessie Mahoney


    Nourishment is a prerequisite for transformation. Being the best possible parent, spouse, friend, doctor, colleague, and contributor to a better world are not possible from a place of depletion.

    There are many ways to nourish yourself. Healthy food is but one.

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    Jessie Mahoney Jessie Mahoney

    Mindful Cow Wildflower Yoga

    Using attention intention and a soft mindful focus, I fully experienced and savored every moment. I noticed and appreciated every flower, view, and green rolling hill. I sat on so many perfectly placed rocks.

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    Jessie Mahoney Jessie Mahoney

    What Can Happen When You Practice Moving Through the World Slowly

    This reflection was inspired by a photo of a snail posted by someone on facebook.

    The caption read: “practicing moving through the world slowly.” I have never liked snails— when I was a kid my mom made me remove them from her orange trees by the plastic bagful. This photo of a snail on a leaf was beautiful and technicolor. To be able to see beauty in a snail photo took me aback.

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    Jessie Mahoney Jessie Mahoney


    This was the theme of my yoga class tonight. It is turning into spring in California and my yoga class is held around sunset. I myself am also going through a big life transition.

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