
Being the best possible parent, spouse, friend, doctor, colleague, and contributor to a better world are not possible from a place of depletion. Nourishment is a prerequisite for becoming the best version of yourself.

There are many ways to nourish yourself. The one we usually think of- healthy food is but one.

I teach yoga as a form of nourishment. I teach it as a way to grow self-compassion and inner calm. Self-compassion bathes your heart and brain with positive feelings rather than stress, judgment, and cortisol. Self-compassion and kindness allow full diastole and a more clear mind.

Coaching is also a form of nourishment. Not pushing yourself to accomplish and reach arbitrary goals but supporting yourself with a guide to help you discover your true priorities, values, and alignment. From this nourished place, it's possible to see a clear path forward.

Breathing is a form of nourishment.

As is hand to heart.

As is mindfulness.

As is nature.

Why not choose practice and experience more of these?

How do you nourish yourself now?

What can you do more to nourish yourself?

What can you do less of to nourish yourself?

My retreats are created with full nourishment in mind. Knowing that it is both a prerequisite and a catalyst for transformation.

It was such a success I will be hosting another one in August (and another next March and next April 2022).

I would love to have you join me to enjoy a week of full nourishment and incredible transformation.

Sign-ups are open now for all 3 retreat dates. Space is super-limited on purpose to ensure a nourishing and intimate experience for all.

Details and Sign Up here.


A Year Later


Follow Your Passion to Find Your Purpose