Follow Your Passion to Find Your Purpose

"Follow your passion. It will lead you to your purpose" - Oprah Winfrey

Passion led me on my journey to support my physician colleagues through wellness for 17 years- long before it was in vogue.

Passion also led me to spend 20 years as a pediatrician supporting and empowering parents working to raise healthy, kind, connected, and resilient children while remaining "well" themselves.

Passion led me to yoga teacher training and coach training.

Passion then led me to shift paths to create Pause and Presence so I could share a special combination of the mindfulness and thought work tools I so desperately needed but couldn't find when I was struggling to see a way forward in the midst of career and leadership burnout, emotional exhaustion, and relationship challenges.

Passion leads me to continue to share, vulnerably and authentically, my journeys, struggles, and solutions with all of you as a coach, a yoga teacher, a retreat leader, and a podcaster.

I used to ask physicians at my TPMG Physician Wellness Retreats to share what their "passion" was - within or outside of medicine. A more senior leader once suggested to me that the word "passion" might feel uncomfortable to some. It might but I think the energy of the word passion is precisely what makes it a powerful and useful question and why it helps you connect with your purpose.

When you don't connect with your passion you are for sure uncomfortable.

The desire to follow your passion may lead you to change something in your life.

Or the passion for what you are already doing may be hidden just under the surface- masked by your thoughts and the busyness of life.

I would love to help you rediscover and connect with your passion. When you live in alignment with your passion you live a life of purpose.




Choose Your Feelings