Wise, loving, and inspired writings on the journey of life and love
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Is Your Maintenance Light On?
Even if the flashing light is caused by external challenges— bad roads or potholes, car maintenance still needs to be done to restore optimal performance and a great driving experience.
It Feels Bad and It Helps
Last week, someone hacked into my phone and replaced my SIM card.
Taking over all my data and information in an instant.
A most unpleasant crime.
Are Holidays Hard On You? Feeling Better is Possible
Holidays are very often not my favorite days. Even with mindfulness, presence, mindset work, and good food— I still often feel sad on holidays.
A Life Doula
It strikes me that a mindful coach is like a life doula.
Someone who helps you live with intention, presence, and grace.
And pass through life’s challenging moments with more ease.
How Do You Want to Show Up for This Moment in Time?
Asking yourself how you want to show up can be a very helpful tool when you are struggling.
It is helpful whether the road is just a little bumpy or filled with potholes.
What Would Neutral Do?
May seem like a funny question.
And so so useful when you are frustrated and angry with someone or something.
May You Find Your Path
A long-time client shared a mantra she has been practicing -- “may I find my path.”
What a kind way to explore your next steps.
Realizing that there is no urgency.
Allowing and giving yourself permission to explore
That is the first step.
Getting Help
Getting help has never been an easy thing for me.
I expect this is true for many of you.
My mind likes to tell me I “should” be able to do it all myself.
That self-sufficiency is a measure of strength and adequacy.
That striving and pushing will get me farther.
A Year Later Life is Still 50/50
If we realize that inherently things are both good and bad and, for the most part, 50/50 —we can use this to our advantage. We can focus on what is in our control- how we experience the 50/50. This is how we shift the balance and impact our lived experience of our one “wild and precious life.”
Why Not "Call It Quits"?
As humans, without mind management, we tend to focus on the negative, our differences, and what is not working. Many of us also have a lot of tendencies to blame -ourselves and others, and quickly revert to guilt, shame, victimhood, anger, and resentment. Coaching helps you shift your perspective, ask better questions, build self-compassion, and find peace with your decisions and path forward whatever they may be. Coaching sets you up for success and peace.
A Year Later
So grateful for all that you have given me. I continue to learn who I am, and what I want.
I am not waiting for someone else to get me where I want to go I am here, right now, and living, breathing, and recognizing. I remember 50/50 often, but also focus on the legacy I want to leave behind, and have way less "shoulds."
Nourishment is a prerequisite for transformation. Being the best possible parent, spouse, friend, doctor, colleague, and contributor to a better world are not possible from a place of depletion.
There are many ways to nourish yourself. Healthy food is but one.
Follow Your Passion to Find Your Purpose
When you don't connect with your passion you are for sure uncomfortable. The desire to follow your passion may lead you to change something in your life. Or the passion for what you are already doing may be hidden just under the surface- masked by your thoughts and the busyness of life.
"This is a Down Day, and There Will Again Be Up Days."
Funny how feelings feel so consuming. Like the down days will never end. Or how the hard times feel overwhelming.
This is a down day, and there will again be up days. I know this to be true. I have experienced the truth of this. I just needed that reminder.
It's Gift to be Sitting Where I am Right Now
Reflections on my journey this past year. This year was a year of massive action and decision-making for me.
It all happened in the midst of so much uncertainty and unexpected challenges.
A Breath of Fresh Air
Mindful coaching is a breath of fresh air for your brain. It allows you to take a breath of fresh air.
When you let go of what doesn't serve you you have more space to breathe and think. And then you can show up as a breath of fresh air in your life - for yourself and your loved ones.
Lotus Flowers Grow Out of the Mud
Mindfulness and mind management offers mental space and the opportunity to discover a path forward. Even in the midst of uncertainty and change.

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