Are Holidays Hard On You? Feeling Better is Possible

Holidays are very often not my favorite days.

Even with mindfulness, presence, mindset work, and good food— I still often feel sad on holidays.

For what could have been, should have been, might have been.


My inner experience of holidays is much better after mindful coaching.

Mindfulness helps me pause and be present in the moment.

Coaching has taught me to show up with intention.


Showing up “light” and with “love” is my intention this holiday season.


What has helped the most?

Learning to not resist the negative emotions and instead to allow them— whatever they are- fully and without judgment.

I also pay attention, am present and specifically choose to focus on and enjoy the parts of holidays I do love. I love connecting with people near and far, taking long walks on the beach, and especially enjoying the day before and the day.

For any of you who also struggle during the holidays- know you are not alone.

Nothing is wrong with you if you don’t love them. And — better is possible.


Give Your Best Energy to What Matters Most


How to know when it is time to make a change?