How to know when it is time to make a change?

How did I know it was time to make a change? How did I do it? What was the secret?

I get these questions all the time.


Leaving the safety and security of my pediatric practice, and especially TPMG, was 100 percent the much harder choice than staying.


It took immense courage.

And then some when you add in an unanticipated pandemic.


It is hard to choose to leave something you are good at,

that helps people who need help,

that makes the world better,

and that you like.


It feels especially “hard” when those you help are children and your colleagues.


There is also a cost to staying

A cost which we often don’t consider.


What will the world miss out on if you don’t follow your heart and allow yourself to grow?

You only get one wild and precious life.

There are many ways to make meaningful contributions.

When you step into your own lane, listen to your heart, and do what makes you come alive —

you find new things you are good at, help people who need help

and continue to make the world a better place.

In a different way from a different place.

Outside the exam room and potentially outside the institution of medicine.

I did not make a decision to “leave medicine” when I pivoted. I made a decision to follow my heart.

I actually had plans to keep doing some pediatrics - just in case I missed it too much but the pandemic changed those plans.

“What if it turns out better than you expect?” is an incredibly useful question..

The paradigm that you have to stay or leave medicine causes physicians a lot of pain.

One is not better than the other.

We are all on our own path to different dreams at different times.

Wherever you go you will bring your doctoring skills and wisdom with you.

It won’t be practicing medicine in the traditional sense but you cannot unbecome a healer, and un-see and un-experience all that you did as a physician.

You will continue to contribute to health in a positive way wherever you go.


What was the secret? How did I do it?

It wasn’t through a recipe or a course.

I trusted myself.

I listened to my heart.

I had my own back.


I set myself up for success.


By practicing mindfulness and yoga and getting coached before, during, and ongoing.

I got support not from a fear of missing out or “needing help” but as an act of kindness to myself and deep listening.


Showing up with “grace and compassion” and a little humor —

for yourself

and the process

even when it is bumpy is also key.

And even with all my breathing yoga mindfulness and relaxing in —

it was a bumpy and wobbly transition.

Just like in yoga -

how you handle the transitions the bumps and the wobbles

is key to your success in the pose.

Relaxing in always helps.

If you are struggling with needing a change, reach out. Helping you navigate the choppy waters, remain buoyant as possible and make changes more easefully is exactly what I help people do as a mindful coach.

“Working with Jessie during this time has probably been one of the best decisions I've made professionally.

I knew I needed it.. and it has been well worth it.

Even just to feel so settled in my decisions up to this point.”


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