It's Gift to be Sitting Where I am Right Now

This year was a year of massive action and decision-making for me.

It all happened in the midst of so much uncertainty and unexpected challenges.


It was a year of owning and accepting myself exactly as I am. 

It was a year of choosing discomfort as the price of growth.

A year of transformation.  

A year of becoming the next version of myself.


It was the year I took responsibility for my own dreams.  

A year of discovering that on the other side of discomfort is amazing.

But definitely NOT all the time.


It was the year I stopped worrying about disappointing others.

And the year I stopped disappointing myself.  


It was the year I started trusting myself.

And risked sharing who I was Including my experience and my wisdom with passion.

To help others and help myself. 


I became a different kind of healer

And starting making a different contribution.

By being a different kind of teacher,

a different kind of leader,

a different kind of mother,

and a different kind of partner.

All during a different kind of year,

in what has become a much different kind of world.


I believe we are each meant to walk our own authentic path.  

Walking it is not easy.  


Showing up for your life pursuing dreams and taking the not traditional path is work.

It is also a gift.


For you and for me and for everyone we share this world with.


What If It Turns Out Better Than You Expect?


A Breath of Fresh Air