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    physician wellness Jessie Mahoney physician wellness Jessie Mahoney

    Dance Your Heart

    My husband saw me when I couldn’t see myself. I was not dancing my heart.

    I was missing the moments and missing out on my best self. I did not pause.

    I was not often, truly present. And I did not often lean into or even listen to my heart's desires and wisdom.

    Sometimes we need someone to help us see what’s inside of us.

    To believe in us more than we believe in ourselves, and to guide us to discover who we really are.

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    physician wellness Jessie Mahoney physician wellness Jessie Mahoney

    Happy National Physicians Day 2021

    Happy National Doctors Day to all my colleagues in medicine. I am deeply committed to supporting all of you. Supporting you has been my passion since I was a chief resident in 2001. I never understood why the culture of medicine does not encourage taking care of its healers and taking care of each other as healers.

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