Dance Your Heart

My husband gave me this necklace almost 20 years ago as an anniversary gift. 


At the time, I was a busy pediatrician doctor mom with two small sons being a physician leader and doing all the things I thought I was supposed to do to keep literally everyone healthy and happy.

I am seeing this gift in a new light today. 

My husband saw me when I couldn’t see myself.

I was not dancing my heart. 

I was missing the moments and missing out on my best self. 

I did not pause.

I was not often, truly present.

And I did not often lean into or even listen to my heart's desires and wisdom. 

Sometimes we need someone to help us see what’s inside of us, 

To believe in us more than we believe in ourselves,

and to guide us to discover who we really are.

I am wearing this necklace proudly today to honor his vision and his belief in me,

And my own work and journey to get here, 

Exactly as it was.

To encourage me to continue to dance my heart.

And to delight in helping others do the same.

We all dance our hearts in different ways.

It looks different in different seasons of our lives. 

It’s never too late to start dancing your heart. 

It’s also never too early. 

Children innately know how to do this.

And then we inadvertently train it out of them. 

I have re-figured out how to dance my heart. 

I love guiding others to do the same. 

It isn’t irresponsible.

It’s responsible.

It’s what love would do.

It’s what compassion would do.

It’s what connection would do

It’s even what productivity would do.

From a space of lightness, ease, and kindness to self, contribution, and connection multiply.

Mindful yoga is about dancing your heart. 

Mindful coaching helps you dance your heart.

Showing up dancing your heart helps others do the same.


What would love do?  Dance your heart. 

Learn how to dance your heart. Sign up to join me for my Mindful Love Coaching Program starting in June 2021.


"This is a Down Day, and There Will Again Be Up Days."


Show up in Your Beautifulness