Show up in Your Beautifulness

This flew out of my mouth last week. And I LOVE it.

What if we all showed up in our beautifulness?

Or is it Beauty fullness?

It's actually both.

Either way, what a world it would be.

I used to be afraid of showing up this way.

I also had no idea how to do it.

And honestly even what it might mean.

A week's reflection on this has led me to:

This is what I help others do at Pause & Presence.

It's what my mindful yoga and coaching offerings do.

And what springtime is about.

It's what love would do.

It's what a good mom, wife, and friend do.

It's what a good yoga teacher does.

It's what a good coach does.

It's what a good doctor does.

It's what a good human does.

It's what nature does.

The old version of me- which was actually the younger less wise version- showed up head down doing all the things and thinking that accomplishing, serving, efficiency, and "more" was my purpose and best contribution.

But now I see differently.

I was missing out and the world was missing out.

A crabapple tree in spring and a blooming cactus show up unabashedly in their beautifulness.

And in doing so, they make the world better and more beautiful.

My weekly offerings of mindful yoga make the world more beautiful.

Mindful Love makes the world more beautiful.

My upcoming retreat at Sagrada Wellness will make the world more beautiful.

My Ongoing Presence group makes the world more beautiful.

Helping others heal, nourish themselves, feel spacious and grounded helps them grow, so they can show up in their full beautifulness.

When they do this work, they help others be more beautiful. Ripples of beauty.

"Beauty fullness" is not perfect. It has bumps and is twisty and scraggly like the crabapple tree.

It has idiosyncrasies and even pokey parts.

Beautifulness is real, authentic, loving, giving, and present.

It is nurturing, connecting, grounded, trusting, feeling, calm, and kind.

Your beautifulness is hidden within.

Even if you can't see it or feel it right now.

And likely allowing it to be seen feels vulnerable and uncomfortable.

Even looking for it might feel hard.

You can start by asking yourself a question I asked at yoga on Sunday: "What is one thing about yourself that you would not change?"

What would we miss out on if the Malice Lisset tree, the cactus, and spring let vulnerability and discomfort get in the way?

I invite you to join me on this life journey- it's fun and beautiful.


Dance Your Heart


What If It Turns Out Better Than You Expect