What If It Turns Out Better Than You Expect

Sharing a celebration of my own journey to give hope and the gift of possibility to anyone who may find themselves on a similar journey of struggle.

What if it turns out better than you expect?

It can and often does.

I began a journey 7 years ago when my husband was struggling with some common mental health issues. I share this knowing that mental health struggles are a taboo subject for so many. They are also a part of almost everyone’s life in some way.

At the moment, it all seemed “bad” and overwhelming. I could not see the way forward or a way through.

And today I see that it has turned out amazing. Clearly, it happened exactly as it was supposed to.

Without knowing what I was doing-- I did what love would. For me, for him, for us and for our family.

In my moment of overwhelm, hopelessness and frustration, I stopped fighting reality and trying to control what was out of my control.

I dropped my manuals and expectations and started showing up from a place of love, acceptance, and nonjudgment.

I started by nourishing myself— initially by taking just one deep breath at a yoga class and then by figuring it out from there. One step at a time.

What transpired was truly amazing.

Even if you look at just me —which is only one tiny morsel of the story.

I went from being a pediatrician and physician leader to also being a mindful coach, a yoga instructor, and a business owner.

This journey led me to become someone who “stepped into her own lane and proceeded to win.”

I discovered who I really was, and began to own my skills, talents, wisdom, and inner desires.

When you create from this space, what unfolds is beautiful.

When you create from a place of authenticity, passion, love, and desire, what emerges is magical.

What ultimately emerged?

Pause & Presence

The Mindful Healers Podcast

Mindful Yoga with Jessie

The Mindful Healthcare Collective Facebook group and workshops.

Mindful Minimalism

Mindful Love

The Stanford Fellowship Coaching program...

the list goes on...

But it isn’t about the list.

It’s about the ripple effect of the list.

I am much-transformed wife, mom, daughter, coach, teacher, speaker, friend and human through the experience.

How I show up in the world feels completely different.

And the resultant gifts, richness, and impact on others is far-reaching.

The journey was one I would never have chosen.

It is also one I wouldn’t change.

What would the world have missed out on had we traveled a different path?

My husband has a new job and life setup that is aligned with his values - one where he shines his talents and his light.

Our marriage is stronger in year 27 than ever.

Our children grew and learned and blossomed on the other side of this very human experience. All three of them experienced the last 7 years in very different ways and they have all become compassionate, loving and accepting teens and young adults who believe that perfectly imperfect is life. All of them act from a place of love almost all the time. I am beyond proud.

Today, I am pausing and being present with what is.

Allowing all the very real feelings in and celebrating inside.

Kintsugi pottery is the Japanese art form where broken bowls are put back together with gold making them much more valuable. I can’t think of a more brilliant description of this journey.


Show up in Your Beautifulness


Find Calm and Ease for Yourself and the Earth