Find Calm and Ease for Yourself and the Earth

“Sometimes letting go is an act far greater than hanging on.”

For yourself and for the Earth.

What would love do? Take care of our beautiful earth. Now, for our children, and our children’s children.

Mindful minimalism is my way of doing this.

Mindful Minimalism is choosing to notice and be aware of what you need and want in your life.

Consciously deciding what is most important.

And then letting go of the visual and emotional noise and distraction of everything else.

It is more than removing physical possessions. 

It is a way of life and a way of thinking.

It is slowing down, pausing and being present, removing excess, consuming less, and enjoying more.

Keeping only what is useful and fulfilling and removing the noise and distractors and drama.

Mindful minimalism is intentional and conscious living.

It is deciding what is important and choosing to live your life with that top of mind.


To allow space to be and breathe and enjoy what you have.

To allow space for clarity and new ideas and to create what you want.

Mindful Minimalism helps to save our planet.

And leaves us with more time, more money, and more energy for what truly matters.

A few tips to help you get started:

What is your why?

How do you want to feel in your house and in your life? Does your space make you feel this way?

What if you wanted what you have?

Stuff is just stuff.

It is ok if it is valuable. It is ok if you never used it. You can still get rid of it

If you keep it and never using, you are also wasting it.

Your relationship with an item can be complete.

Not buying something is letting go in advance.

To learn more about Mindful Minimalism check out Episode 17 of The Mindful Healers Podcast and 2 live coaching sessions led by your truly on the topic here.


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