Happy National Physicians Day 2021

Happy National Doctors Day to all my colleagues in medicine.

I am deeply committed to supporting all of you.

Supporting you has been my passion since I was a chief resident in 2001.

I never understood why the culture of medicine does not encourage taking care of its healers and taking care of each other as healers.

Today, on National Physicians Day 2021, I am more committed than ever to help all of you feel better, regain control of your lives and relationships and start to show up for your “one wild and precious lives” as the best versions of yourself.

Pause and Presence, the Mindful Healthcare Collective, and the Mindful Podcast change lives— 180 degrees, totally new outlooks, and approaches saved marriages and relationships. They are bringing back joy and connection in parenting, and other family relationships and helping physicians clarify and then create meaningful paths forward wherever they are in their careers- sometimes exactly where they are and other times somewhere new.

Before the pandemic, our healthcare system was broken.

Add in a pandemic -- and the work of medicine has become untenable for many

with heavy costs for all.

Individual physicians, their families, and all of us as patients needing care will ultimately be impacted.

Mindfulness and mindful coaching and even mindful yoga change lives, especially for those in healthcare.

Medical training builds patterns in our brains that help us get through training but negatively impact us in our relationships and in the rest of our lives.

These tools allow us to start living with intention and let go of scarcity mindset, negativity biases, catastrophizing, always looking for problems, delaying gratification, not living in the present, detrimental self-sacrifice, imposter syndrome, low self-esteem, burnout, emotional exhaustion and so much more.

You learn to pause and be present, and in that space breathe, find calm and contentment again. Rediscover connection with those you love and move forward with clarity and intention.

I was an excellent pediatrician. I loved my patients and their families. I enjoyed teaching them, guiding them to live healthier lives, helping them feel better when they were sick and even saving a few lives.

But supporting and healing healers and colleagues in medicine is my “zone of genius” and passion. It is clear that this is what I am supposed to be doing with this season of my life and at this moment in time.

So much suffering and struggle that doesn’t need to be.

So much joy and mindful living being missed.

Empowering my colleagues through mindfulness and coaching and even yoga — is big impact.

Activates a huge ripple effect.

Provides relief

Lessens exhaustion, worry, and burnout.

Saves marriages,

helps parents show up for their kids effectively and lovingly,

and helps incredible healers be able to continue to practice medicine with joy and purpose.

I coach physicians still in training, ones about to retire, and at all points in between.

Ones who are married and single,

with kids and without kids.

Ones who want to stay in medicine and ones who are ready for new challenges.

Mindfulness and coaching are tools that lessen human suffering for all humans.

They optimize health,

and performance.

They optimize love and connection,


peace and calm,

and joy.

From a place of love and wanting the best for each of you and the world,

I encourage you to invest in yourself through this work.

You deserve it.

your family,

your patients,

and society will all benefit.

Whatever feels like it can’t be fixed,

if you feel stuck,

too exhausted to go on,

frustrated that you want to make a change but haven’t been able to-

or even if everything feels ok but you really want something different.

Change is possible.

Feeling better is possible.

Join me 1:1 coaching or subscribe to my blog.

Join me for mindful yoga.

Listen to the Mindful Healers Podcast.

Join the Mindful Healthcare Collective.

Start somewhere. I am here to help.


BEING with Yourself


Are You Addicted to Worrying?