Wise, loving, and inspired writings on the journey of life and love
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Connecting With Hope
Many are not feeling ok right now.
So much pain and hardship in the practice of medicine right now.
Sending love and compassion to each and every one of my colleagues in medicine.
May You Find Your Path
A long-time client shared a mantra she has been practicing -- “may I find my path.”
What a kind way to explore your next steps.
Realizing that there is no urgency.
Allowing and giving yourself permission to explore
That is the first step.
A Gift
My to-do list became a birthday list or a “gift” to myself list.
Next week is my birthday and what I most wanted I realized when I listened to my heart- was to NOT have a lot of stuff on my to-do list. To declutter the to-do list.
To have the peace and freedom that would come from having it done.
So I changed my to-do list- to a birthday list.
One I would do FOR ME as a gift.
Discover Peace
It’s possible to go from struggling
to managing
to living more easefully
to feeling engaged and connected.
Advice for a life better lived...
Eat happy. Get a routine baggy enough to live in. Be kind.
Accept that not everyone will like you. Appreciate those who do.
A Cup of Love
When we lean into the beauty of the good we have in our relationships, we experience more good.
There are lots of different models of amazing and worthwhile relationships in this world. Without a doubt, every relationship is missing something. When we let go of comparisons with others' relationships, those who we perceive may have more of what we think we want, and we enjoy our own more.
Could you resist the urge to believe there is a relationship out there that would be better and make you happier?
Could you trust the you who chose this relationship when you chose it?
What if you choose to tell a story about it that feels good and helps you enjoy your life?
100% Worth Your Time
It's helpful to have a coach who has experienced your training, and who has insight into the medical culture. It doesn't solve all your problems, but it will help you to see yourself as more capable and leave behind perspectives that limit your perception of your self-worth and your capacity to improve.”
My Neurodiverse Marriage
Autism may seem like a negative. But as coaching teaches you- it is merely a neutral fact.
Some days our neurodiverse marriage is a fact that feels like a heavy brick, and I wish it was different. On other days it feels like a gift.
Because of our neurodiversity, I have had to grow in ways I didn't know I needed or wanted to. And that growth was good. In fact, it was amazing.
It's good and bad. Like everything in life.
"Tender Self-Acceptance"
When transforming, and becoming and unbecoming, is approached NOT from a place of pushing or throttling, but from a place of gentleness and kindness to self, a place of embracing who you are, where you have been and how far you have come — that’s where the magic happens.
Happy National Physicians Day 2021
Happy National Doctors Day to all my colleagues in medicine. I am deeply committed to supporting all of you. Supporting you has been my passion since I was a chief resident in 2001. I never understood why the culture of medicine does not encourage taking care of its healers and taking care of each other as healers.
May Your Choices Reflect Hope
Feeling hope and peace inspires me into action. Opens my brain to creativity
My heart to connection. Tapping into hope, peace, connection and inner wisdom is what led to my transformation.
It led to choices that reflected hope. Of a life not yet seen.
On the other side of discomfort is fun.
These last few years I have been doing so many new things I have never done before —building a business, helping to run a mindful healthcare collective, starting a podcast, teaching yoga on zoom, writing a blog, running coaching programs within Pause and Presence and for institutions. They all involved a lot of discomfort and hard work and they all also involved and led to fun.
In coach training I was introduced to the specific thought: “discomfort is the currency of your dreams.”
This thought inspired me to embrace discomfort rather than resist it.
But, because we all have unique brains, it wasn’t a great thought for me personally. It invoked a bit of stress AND it wasn’t strong enough to inspire me to action. This is what a coach helps you learn to see.

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